An image of a beautiful fragment of the Vela SNR has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of a beautiful fragment of the Vela SNR has been uploaded. Some call it the “Bowtie”, which is pretty well found, but no name would be enough to describe the beauty of this object. You can find the image as well as some more information at: Eastern Vela SNR. A fragment …

An image of LDN 953, the Gulf of Mexico has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of LDN 953 has been uploaded. This is a fragment of NGC 7000, the North America Nebula, and shows how fine are the filaments that form this dark nebula, most probably due to the absence of near hot stars, whose strong stellar winds could carve and ionize this cold gas/dust nebula. …

A mosaic of IC 2948, the Running Chicken Nebula, has been uploaded

Hi all, A two-pane mosaic capturing the core area of the Running Chicken nebula (IC 2948) has been uploaded. This pretty large emission nebula was not discovered until early 20th century (1908). It has a good number of Bok’s globules and a fairly strong Oxygen emission. You can find the image and more information at: …

An image of the Fossil Footprint Nebula (Sh2-206) has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of the Fossil Footprint Nebula (NGC 1491 or Sh2-206) has been uploaded. This is a nebula that has been ionized and carved by a star that, additionally, has a small bubble around it that reminds of the Bubble Nebula. You can find the image and some information at: NGC 1491. Sh2-206. …

An image of the Meat-hook Galaxy has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of the Meat-hook Galaxy, NGC 2442, has been uploaded. This is a peculiar galaxy located far south, in the constellation Volans. Its distorted structure is the result of a gravitational encounter that, additionally, triggered a high star formation rate as well as a large number of supernova explosions. You can find …

An image of the Monkey Head Nebula, NGC 2174, has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of the Monkey Head Nebula, NGC 2174, has been uploaded. This nebula is, as usual in emission nebulae, a star forming region. The difference with this one is that this one is forming stars at a very high rate. It contains at least four recently formed open clusters and 577 Young …

An image of NGC 5189, the Spiral Planetary Nebula has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of NGC 5189, the Spiral planetary nebula has been uploaded. This planetary has a very unusual shape and structure (with many point-symmetric knots) that is due to the nature of its core star: a binary system formed by a Wolf-Rayet star and a white dwarf. You can find the image and …

An image of NGC 6946, the Fireworks galaxy has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of NGC 6946, the Fireworks galaxy has been uploaded. This galaxy has several peculiarities, like the star N6946-BH1, a yellow supergiant that increased its brightness during 6 years and then disappeared completely, compacting its core into a black hole. NGC 6946 is seen as strongly reddened by the thick cloud of …

An image of N185, a double SNR has been uploaded

Hi all, An image of LHA 120-N185, a double supernova remnant has been uploaded. This is a SNR that results from two supernova explosions that carve the current nebula to its current shape. You can finĀ”d the image and more information about it and why we know that two supernovae exploded in the same nebula …

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