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M 93 is an open cluster in the Southern constellation Puppis. Discovered and catalogued by Messier in 1781. This cluster contains about 80 stars, all of them magnitude +8 and fainter, with the brightest stars being blue giants of type B9. Caroline Herschel observed this cluster shortly after Messier had added it to his catalog, and it was the first object in her personal catalog.
Additional Information
Name(s): M 93. NGC 2447
Type: Open Cluster
RA: 07h 44m 29s
Dec: -23ΒΊ 51β 03β
Constellation: Puppis
Size (arcmin): 22
Magnitude: +6.2
Distance: 3,600 ly
Date: 2013-03-14
Location: Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia
Size (arcmin): 20×14
Telescope: Celestron 11β HD f/10
Camera: FLI ML6303 (3072x2048pix)
Guiding: Orion SSAG/Nikkor 500mm f/8
Total exposure: 10 min (L: 2.5 min; RGB: 7.5 min)
Processing: CCDStack, Photoshop CC 2016 and PixInsight