NGC 346


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NGC 346 is a star cluster surrounded by a bright emission nebula located in the Small Magellanic Cloud, in Tucana. It appears, in this image, together with NGC 371, at its upper right. This narrowband image has been processed, as many of them in this web page, coding Halpha to red and OIII both to green and blue. Some astrophotographers code Halpha to red/magenta, showing a different “natural” distribution of hues or follow the Hubble color palette, by adding SII and coding Halpha to green. I am not willing to start any debate on this, but as astrophotography has also an artistic component, the preferences of the astrophotographer are embedded in his/her final image.

Additional Information


Name(s): NGC 346 and NGC 371

Type: Emission Nebula

RA:  01h 00m 52s

Dec: -72º 07’ 13”

Constellation: Tucana

Size (arcmin): 14×15


Distance: 210,000


Date: 2015-09-10

Location:, SSO near Coonabarabran, NSW Australia

Size (arcmin): 35×34

Telescope: Planewave CDK 20” f/6.8

Camera: SBIG STX16803 (4096x4096pix)

Guiding: Astrodon MonsterMOAG off-axis guider

Total exposure: 14 hs (Halpha: 4.5 hs; OIII: 8 hs; RGB: 1.5 hs)

Processing: CCDStack, Photoshop CC 2016 and PixInsight

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