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Large and rich open cluster. More than 120 stars down to magnitude 13 and about 500 stars in total form this beautiful gathering. The average mass of its stars is about 1.8 Suns and it is about 100 million years old. Its movement within our galaxy isapproaching it to us at a speed close to 5 km/sec.
Additional Information
Name(s): M35, NGC 2168
Type: Open Cluster
RA: 06h 08m 53s
Dec: +24ΒΊ 19β 54β
Constellation: Gemini
Size (arcmin): 40×40
Magnitude: +5.1
Distance: 3,000
Date: 2013-03-02
Location: Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia
Size (arcmin): 31×25
Telescope: Celestron 11β HD f/10
Camera: FLI ML6303 (3072x2048pix)
Guiding: Orion SSAG/Nikkor 500mm f/8
Total exposure: 40 min (L: 10min; RGB: 30min)
Processing: PixInsight