Hi everyone,
I have uploaded a new image. It is a 1×2 mosaic with NGC 2024 (the Flame Nebula) and IC 434 (with Barnard 33, the Horsehead Nebula). The link to it is:
or, if you prefer to retrieve it from the Nebulae gallery:
PS: The comments have been activated from all image pages.
Eng: Thanks a lot, Josep Maria. This is already walking on! Really impressive, your work. It has to be sensational to have so many available hours (and knowledge) to do what you like, with first class instrumentation, located at exceptional places. Just as an example, the Seyfert galaxy, M77, left me stunned: it compares to mine (in B&W) like pears and apples. Sincere congratulations.
Cat: Moltes gràcies, Josep Maria. Això ja rutlla!
Impressionant de debò la teva feina. Ha de ser sensacional disposar de tantes i tantes hores (i de tants coneixements) per fer allò que t’agrada, amb instruments de primera situats en llocs excepcionals Per posar un exemple, la galàxia Seyfert M77 em va deixar tocat del tot: s’assembla a la que tinc jo (en blanc i negre) com un ou a una castanya. Et felicito de debò.
I gràcies també pel detallet “Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia.”