Hi all,
A new image has been uploaded. This time it is a remake. My previous image of NGC 6188 (the Dragons of Ara) had a limited view of both Fighting Dragons. This suggested me to repeat the field, but with a 2 panel mosaic. This way, we can see both Dragons in their full extent. The image means over 39 hours of exposure (as usual, in narrowband), because I also used the previous partial images and they have been added to the new ones before processing in order to provide greater detail.
You can find the final result at:
Una interesante constelación (nebulosa?)
Sí, nebulosa…
Cat: Genial!!! Josep Maria Si que semblen uns dracs lluitant oi..??? 👏👏👏👏👏 Molt original i increïble a la vegada. Una magnífica foto
Eng: Great!!! Josep Maria. Yes, they look like fighting dragons, right? 👏👏👏👏👏 Very original and unbelievable at once. A great image