Hi all,
After a brief period without new images, I have uploaded a new image. This time, it means a new view of an old chap. The Lagoon Nebula, M08, taken originally in narrowband, has been reprocessed in a different color mapping. Each master file (Ha, OIII, SII) has been deconstructed into six (or seven) different layers with different image density. Then, all layers have been mapped to different colors (19). The result is an image that reveals different compositions and different intensities.
You will find the result at:
Being this a new approach, I will thank as many comments as you can have…
Cat: Enhorabona per aquesta presentació tan elaborada de la senyal de M8. Certament un repte i diria, proesa, arribar a ser fidel a la senyal original afeging detall en banda estreta. Una vegada més increïble!!
Eng: Congratulations for this very elaborated presentation of M8. A certain challenge and merit to keep track of the original signal adding more detail in narrowband. Once more, incredible!!
Thanks, Aleix!! It was a lot of work, but it pays back…
Es increíble, cómo llegar a tan extremo detalle en algo tan difícil de fotografiar. Enhorabuena