A new image of NGC 3372 (Eta Carina)

An image of the core region of the Eta Carina Nebula has been added to the web site. This image has been taken with narrowband filters Ha, OIII and SII (except for the stars, RGB). The colors have not been assigned following the Hubble Color Palette, but trying to follow the natural spectrum of this nebula. An explanation is in the below posted link. Enjoy!


The link is http://astrodrudis.com/ngc-3372-caldwell-92-core-region/


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  1. Eng: Hi, Josep, OMG what an image!

    I had never seen such high contrast details in this nebula (that, BTW, I have never seen “live”). I think that the color palette that you applied helps to glimpse details that usually remain blended in the usual intense red. On the other side, you have [comparing with the other image of this same object in this web site] the difference in size between a small refractor (well below 1 meter focal distance) and the CDK, well above 3 meters focal distance, with the corresponding difference in resolution. And finally, the 80 minutes integration time with the refractor compared to 23 hours with the CDK, even considering the “inhuman” exposure times needed with narrowband filters. The difference is huge, even I would also like that the one with the “Taka” would be mine… Again, congratulations.

    Cat:Hola, Josep Maria, Mare meva, quina imatge!!!

    Mai havia vist detalls tan contrastats en aquesta nebulosa (que per altra banda mai he vist “en directe”). ?? Crec que la paleta de colors que hi has aplicat ajuda a veure coses que habitualment queden difoses en un vermell més o menys intens. Per altra banda, hi ha la diferència d’escala que resulta entre un petit refractor (que està bastant per sota d’un metre de focal) i el CDK que supera de llarg els tres metres, amb la corresponent diferència de resolució. I, finalment, els 80 minuts d’integració del petit contra les 23 hores del CDK, per molt que els filtres de banda estreta exigeixin exposicions quasi inhumanes. La diferència és abismal, encara que ja voldria que la del Taka fos meva! Et felicito novament (i perdona el rotllo).

    Una abraçada. Justí

  2. Eng: Good night, I guess that you noticed that Sunday’s (05/16) APOD has been granted to an image of the same object of the picture you published just the day before… Personally, I like your version more. Incredible detail and crispness, Congratulations!!

    Cat: Bona nit,
    Suposo que ja t’has adonat que l’Apod de diumenge 16/5 ha estat pel mateix objecte que publicaves el dia abans, el 15/5. Personalmente m’agrada més la teva versió. Increïbles detalls i nitidesa. Enhorabona!!


    Aleix Roig

    1. Thanks, Aleix, yes I noticed that. Amazingly, the telescope with which that image was taken, lies about 5-6 meters away from the one I used!! They are in the same building… I will keep trying hard…

  3. Eng: Hi, Josep M., What images!!! I had never seen such impressive pictures! I lack the knowledge to understand all your efforts to be able to get this wonderful result, but I can glimpse and enjoy the Universe’s beauty, that thanks to your passion, I have the opportunity to get to know. Congratulations!!

    Cat: Hola Josep M., QUINES IMATGES!!! Mai havia vist unes fotos tan impressionants!! No tinc els coneixements per entendre tota la preparació que has tingut per aconseguir aquest magnífic resultat, però sí que puc observar i gaudir la bellesa de l’Univers i que gràcies a tu i la teva passió, tinc l’oportunitat de conèixer.

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