A new image has been uploaded. This time it concerns NGC 2359, the Thor’s Helmet Nebula. It is a beautiful emission nebula, imaged in narrowband (HII and OIII). Being a Hydrogen and Oxygen rich nebula, these two filters should provide the “natural” color. In my opinion, this is the case…
The link is:
Or at the “Emission Nebulae” page, as well as at the “Italian Series” page.
Eng: No words! It is the best one that I have seen of this object. Outstanding, Josep M., “chapeau”!
Cat: Sense paraules! És la millor que he vist d’aquest objecte.
Una autèntica passada Josep M. Chapeau!!
Aleix Roig http://www.astrocat.info
El 18 maig 2016, a les 18:41, AstroDrudis.com va escriure: > >
Eng: It has surprising colors and definition. It also gives an idea of proximity with very clear shapes. It might be easy to compare its evolution along the time…
Cat: És sorprenent en claretat i colors. També dóna una idea de proximitat amb formes molt definides. Potser serà fàcil de comparar amb el pas del temps la seva evolució.
Eng: Magnificent and grand!!
Cat: Magnifica i majestuosa!!!!