A reprocessed image of IC 410, the Tadpoles, has been uploaded

Hi all,

Recently, and taking advantage of the new processing tools currently available, I reprocessed this nebula. These new tools allow for an increased detail and the fine structure is better (and more reliably, seen. You can dĀ”find this new version (that has replaced the previous one) at:

IC 410, the Tadpoles Nebula


An image of WR134 has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of WR 134, a mass ejection nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. Wolf-Rayet stars are very massive and eject huge amounts of gas (as well as their strong stellar winds carve their surrounding gas clouds). This very deep image shows the whole circular structure of this nebula.

You can find it at:

WR 134, a mass ejection nebula


A new image of NGC 3576, the Statue of Liberty, has been uploaded

Hi all,

Another image today… In this case, it’s NGC 3576, the Statue of Liberty Nebula. This is the fourth image of this nebula that you can find in my web site. In this case, the image was taken in the frame of the joint project with Christian Sasse. The large telescope (24 in) as well as the high resolution camera (103 MPx) allow for a very detailed image. You can find it at:

NGC 3576, the Statue of Liberty II


An image of IC 4628 has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of the Prawn Nebula, IC 4628 has been uploaded. This is also the second image of this nebula that you can find in this web site. The peculiarity of this image is that the frames taken with the SII filter have been color mapped differently from its natural color, in order to better discern between the different gases that compose the nebula. This image is another result of the ongoing joint project with Christian Sasse. You can find the image and more information at:

IC 4628, the Prawn in Scorpius


An image of a beautiful galaxy, NGC 4725, has been uploaded

Hi all,

Today, there is a third image being uploaded. This time, it is a beautiful one-armed barred galaxy, NGC 4725. There is several peculiarities linked to this galaxy, but one of the most interesting is that it is interacting gravitationally with another spiral (NGC 4747, not in the picture). As a result of this interaction, part of the tidal tail formed by the stars, that have been expelled from NGC 4747, have formed a Tidal Dwarf Galaxy (TDG) by themselves. You can find the image and more information at:

NGC 4725


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