Hi all,
A new image has been uploaded. IC 2948 is a wonderful nebula and it has been imaged in narrowband. This allows extracting its full potential of detail and 3D feel, while displaying its “natural” colors.
IC 2948. The Running Chicken Nebula
Cat: Hola, Josep Maria,
Amb vergonya confesso que aquesta nebulosa ni la coneixia ni tampoc el seu nom tan pintoresc. Més que una gallina, corrent o estàtica, hi veig el retrat d’un patètic Lluís XIV, XV o XVI amb perruca inclosa. Es veu millor en la imatge petita.
Conyetes apart, em sembla una fotografia preciosa, com totes les que envies, amb un plus per la seva originalitat.
Gràcies un cop més i una abraçada.
Eng: Hi Josep Maria,
I confess that I did not know this nebula. Not even its picturesque name. More than a chicken, running or static, I see a portrait of a pathetic Louis XIV, XV or XVI, including his wig. This is better seen in the small image.
Leaving the joke aside, I think it is a beautiful image, like all you are posting, with the plus of originality. Thanks again. Regards, Justí
________________________________ De: AstroDrudis.com Enviado: domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016 14:19 Para: justipochcreixell@hotmail.com Asunto: [New post] Another image has been added!: IC 2948, the “Running Chicken Nebula”.
jdrudis0903 posted: “Hi all, A new image has been uploaded. IC 2948 is a wonderful nebula and it has been imaged in narrowband. This allows extracting its full potential of detail and 3D feel, while displaying its “natural” colors. https://astrodrudis.com/ic-2948-th“
Thanks, Justí. It’s always a pleasure to read your comments.