Hi all,
Another image has been uploaded! It is IC 4685, an image containing several nebulae (emission/reflection/dark) in it. The image has been taken in narrowband and combined so as to reproduce the nebula’s natural colors. The presence of IC 1274 (a blue reflection nebula) has been solved by taking broadband blue subframes and blending them into the OIII and Halpha masters in order to get a better reproduction of this kind of nebula. The narrowband images account for the enhanced details.
I want to thank Don Goldman (I am his telescope partner) for his invaluable help in blending the blue master with the rest of the color data. His patience with me knows no limits and he immediately responded my cry for help…
Image and more information at:
Cat: Gràcies per deixar-nos, amb la boca oberta, cada dia. Cada foto sorprèn més que l’anterior.
Eng: Thanks for leaving us mouth open, every day. Each new image surprises us more than the previous one.