Hi all,
A new image has been uploaded. This time, it is a peculiar galaxy. This galaxy, ESO 510-G13 is an edge-on galaxy, but its central dust disk is conspicuously warped. Please find it at:
My WordPress Blog
Hi all,
A new image has been uploaded. This time, it is a peculiar galaxy. This galaxy, ESO 510-G13 is an edge-on galaxy, but its central dust disk is conspicuously warped. Please find it at:
Cat: Uaaaaaau!!! Quina passada👌 Magnífica fotografia Josep Maria, com sempre 😃
Eng: Wooowww!!! So cool 👌 Wonderful image, Josep Maria, as usual 😃
Cat: M’han sorprès aquestes formes de disc. Suposo que serà degut a la rotació d aquests cossos celestes.
Eng: I have been surprised by this shape of the disk. I guess it can be due to the rotation of these objects.