An image of M45, the Pleiades Cluster and its reflection nebula has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of M45, the Pleiades Cluster and its foreground reflection nebula has been uploaded. This is a two panel mosaic showing a fragment of the cluster, containing the brightest stars. This image was pretty difficult to process, given the fact that the delicate dust wisps are very delicate and any, even slight, processing aimed to extract detail ended up smearing part of the wisps. In the end, a soft and more natural processing was the best option. You can find the image and some more information at:


A new image of Messier 64, the Black Eye Galaxy, has been uploaded

Hi all,

A new image of Messier 64, the Black Eye Galaxy, has been uploaded. This galaxy is pretty peculiar because its inner disk rotates in an opposite direction compared to the external disk. This means that in the “collision” region, many new stars are appearing. You can find the image as well as some more information at:


An image of Messier 93, an open cluster, has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image pf Messier 93, an open cluster, has been uploaded. This rather young cluster (age: 100 Million years), is packed with blue giant stars belonging to the spectral class B9. It has, nevertheless, also three conspicuous red giants. You can find the image and some more info at:


An image of Messier 9, a globular cluster, has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of Messier 9, a globular cluster, has been uploaded. This cluster is located not far away from the Milky Way center and its metallicity (presence of elements heavier than helium) is very low due to the fact that its stars were formed in the early stages of the Universe. You can find the image and more info about it at:


An image of N55 and more nebulae of the LMC has been uploaded

Hi all,

After about two years, I have recovered and processed this image of a fragment of the LMC. The image shows several nebulae, two supernova remnants as well as an uncatalogued nebula that may be just a tiny part of an emission nebula or a mass ejection nebula from the star in its center. You can find more info and the image at:


An image of Messier 13 has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of the globular cluster Messier 13 has been uploaded. This great cluster has a peculiar star (Barnard 29, a B2-spectral type star) that was once thought it had been “captured” while passing by. This is not the case, this hot, blue star originated inside M13. The image as well as more info on it and the cluster can be found at:


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