An image of Messier 65 has been uploaded

Hi all!

A new image, this time a well known galaxy, M65, has been uploaded. M65 is usually considered to be a dull galaxy, without much structure, but it is a fine spiral with a rare peculiarity in the spectrum of radio waves: its strongest signal does not come from the galaxy’s nucleus but off center. The reason for this is unknown yet.

You can find this image at:

Messier 65. NGC 3623




A special image has been uploaded. The Trapezium in M42 at High resolution

Hi all,

A new image has been uploaded. This time, it is something different: an image of the Trapezium area taken with a 60-inch Ritchey-Chrétien f/8 atop Palomar Observatory (focal length 12 meters…). The image covers 10×10 arcmin and the data are very good. You will find it at:

Messier 42. The Trapezium


An image of a new nebula inside NGC 6589 has been uploaded

Hi all,

A new image has been uploaded. This time it has something new. One of the reflection nebulae in the image had a very apparent red bubble-like nebula inside it, but it was (so far) unknown. The discovery has been reported and published as a Research Note. The image and its explanation can be found at:

NGC 6595, NGC 6589 and IC 1284

The Research Note at:


An update on IC 2220 and the new bubble around it

Hi all,

One of the top astrophotographers, Rolf Olsen, has taken a deeper image of IC 2220, which contains the new bubble-like nebula discovered by my daughter Anna and myself about two years ago. His image is great and shows a great deal of detail. He has, generously, allowed me to include it in this web site. You can find it at the bottom of the page:


And also at his web site:

Rolf Olsen Astrophotography

Thanks, Rolf. Enjoy,



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