An image of an interesting nebula (RCW 120) has been uploaded

Hi all,

An image of a quite interesting nebula has been uploaded. It was already time to finish it, as this image was taken nearly two years ago… This nebula was studied with the Spitzer Telescope around the same time I was taking this image. You will find more information about this nebula and characteristics at:


An image of the Cone and Fox Fur Nebulae has been uploaded

Hi all,

This time, three images have been uploaded to the same web page. An image of the Cone Nebula, a second image with the Fox Fur Nebula and the mosaic that shows both can be found at:

This region, as many emission nebulae, contains numerous interesting objects, mostly Herbig-Haro objects (up to 24 of the 25 Herbig Haro objects present in this area can be found in the mosaic), but also the very active IRS1, with IR emission and embedded with numerous stars in their first stages of formation as well a known MASER source.


An image of the Pacman Nebula has been uploaded

Hi all,

Another image taken from the Northern Hemisphere has been uploaded. This time, an emission nebula, the Pacman Nebula. This nebula has many peculiarities and I specially like the pillars (neatly pointed to their originators, the massive and hot O and B stars in the cluster nearby) and the many Bok globules.

It can be found at:


An image of the Rose and the Question Marks has been uploaded

Hi all,

Today’s image can be considered a “divertimento”. We all get to “guess” shapes in the clouds that we see in the sky. We also do this with the nebulae that we see in the night sky, and we have many examples of this (the Eagle, Pelican, Seagull, Rosette and many others). In many cultures, the gift of a rose is a token of love/respect/appreciation. As usual, this opens many question marks. This is exactly what seems to happen in this image that I came to call “The Rose and the Question Marks”.

You can find it at:


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